Durante los últimos tres años, Virgil Abloh y Nike han preparado algunas de las zapatillas más buscadas de la historia. Desde el debut de “The Ten”, los zapatos Off-White™ x Nike han sido los más calientes del mundo. Como la colección Nike x Off-White™ sólo ha seguido aumentando, Abloh ha comenzado a recomprar de nuevo en los extensos archivos de Swoosh. A finales del año pasado, el pack Off-White™ x Nike Dunk cayó, haciendo referencia a la icónica silueta de baloncesto Nike.
Lanzando en tres colores, “Michigan”, “Pine Green” y “University Red”, los Off-White™ Dunks fueron un gran éxito. Abloh reinterpretó la campaña de 1985 “Sé fiel a tu escuela”, trayendo de vuelta a la Nike Dunk en colores originales. La Nike Dunks, que se está vendiendo rápidamente™, se convirtió en una de las gotas más calientes de los años. Con eso en mente, un ejército de falsificaciones comenzó a inundar el mercado, llevando a una serie de réplicas Off-White™ Dunks a pasar por la sede de KLEKT.
Para el episodio de esta semana de Real vs Fake, nuestro experto en autenticación residente Dr KLEKT tomó el Off-White™ x Nike Dunk Low “University Red”. Como uno de los colores más buscados de la Off-White™ Dunks, esta es una zapatilla que se ha convertido en un grial para muchos. Echa un vistazo al siguiente vídeo para ver lo que el Dr. KLEKT puede enseñarte sobre cómo detectar falsas Nike Dunks Off-White™!
Por supuesto, eso no es todo lo que tenemos para ti. A continuación encontrarás una guía completa sobre cómo detectar falsos Dunks off-White™. Pero antes de todo eso, queremos poner a prueba sus conocimientos de educación falsos…
La prueba
Una de las zapatillas Nike Dunk Low “University Red” de ™ de bajo nivel de white es real y una es falsa. Te estamos dando 10 segundos para elegir cuál crees que es el verdadero Off-White™ Dunk y que es la falsa. ¿Estás listo? Establecer… ¡Ir!

El precio
Ahora, como con todas nuestras guías Real vs Fake, vamos a advertirte sobre el precio de las zapatillas. Cuando el Off-White™ x Nike Dunks cayó en diciembre, tenían un precio de venta al público de 170 euros. El paquete se agotó rápidamente, dejando el precio de reventa para subir a más de la marca de 500 euros. Esto no es de ninguna manera una zapatillabarata, pero si usted está buscando para hacer frente a un par de estos, sólo piensa en el precio.
Most fake sneaker sellers will try to lure you in with a cheap price. As we mentioned, the retail price on these Nike x Off-White™ sneakers was nearly €200. For the most part, fake sneaker stores will list the price well below that. The price of a sneaker can tell you a lot about its authenticity. Currently, on KLEKT “University Red” the Off-White™ x Nike Dunk costs around €444. If you see a pair that is well below the retail and resale price, just be aware.
The Reveal
If you said the shoe on the right was the authentic Off-White™ Dunk…you were correct! This was definitely one of the tougher comparisons that we’ve had so a big well done if you got it right. If you didn’t then don’t worry. We’re going to educate you on how to tell a fake Off-White™ Nike Dunk in the guide below.

The Paper
For the most part, these fake Off-White™ Nike Dunks were very good on the packaging. If you’ve read previous guides, you’ll know how much we talk about the packaging plays an important role in determining the authenticity of a sneaker. Whilst the packaging on the outside of these fake Off-White™ Dunks was good, the paper on the inside wasn’t.
If you look at the comparison below, you will see there is a clear difference between the paper quality. As Dr KLEKT outlines, the real Nike Off-White™ Dunks use a much thicker paper, closer to wrapping paper. The yellow of the paper is also very bright, which allows the red branding to pop. However, when looking at the fake, it’s nowhere near as good.
The paper below is much thinner which makes a big difference. When looking at the two side by side, you can also see that the paper is much darker, or “bleaker” in Dr KLEKT’s words. This is a simple detail that this fake Off-White™ Dunk manufacturer has failed to get right.

The Tag
A key detail on all Off-White™ Jordan and Off-White™ x Nike sneakers has been the tag. Attached through the laces and a part of every Off-White™ Nike shoe since 2017, the zip tag can tell you a lot about the authenticity of an Off-White™ Nike sneaker. On these particular fakes, the text on the tag was very close, but one small detail lets it down.
You can see on the authentic Off-White™ Nike Dunk that there is a small “™” above the “E.” The dots on this “™” are very thin, making it almost fade into the background unnoticed. However, when looking at the fake Off-White™ Dunks, you can see that the “™” is much thicker, leaving a noticeable trace. Although this tag was very close to the real deal, this minuscule detail lets it down. The small things can really make a big difference!

The Medial Text
Without a doubt, one of the most eye-catching pieces of all Off-White™ Nike shoes is the text on the medial side. As one of the signature details on the Off-White™ line, the text has been around since the brand started. Adapted for the 2017 collaboration between Nike and Off-White™, the text was placed on the side and changed depending on each shoe. The medial text is also another key area for you to look for when it comes to looking at real vs fake Off-White™ Nike sneakers.
On the Nike Dunk below, the medial text is different from the real compared to the fake. In particular, take a look at the “E” of “NIKE.” You can see that the “E” hangs just off the corner, with most of the font letter being on the grey leather. However, when looking at the fake, the “E” is split evenly between red and grey. The font on these particular fakes was very close, but this small detail helped Dr KLEKT spot that it was a fake.

The Leather
Whilst this fake Off-White™ Dunk was good, there was simply no comparison when it came to the overall build quality. The leather on these Off-White™ Dunks is very good on the real pair, with a sturdy structure that means it is durable. When you have these in hand, the difference is night and day. However, as you’re looking at this on a screen, we will have to show you just what we mean by the difference.
The Real
The real Off-White™ Nike Dunk uses sturdy leather. It is soft but also very durable. When running your finger across it, you can see that it is not very reactive. It does not crease and it also does not lose shape.

The Fake
When feeling the fake Nike Dunk, you can see the creasing almost immediately. It is too soft and loses shape far quicker than the real pair. Also, the overall quality is just not as good. Whilst it may look close to the real thing, it couldn’t be further away. If you want to know how to tell a fake Off-White™ Nike Dunk, check the leather.

The Laces
As we have mentioned previously, there are a number of signature details on Off-White™ Nike sneakers. One of these areas is the text, which we have already discussed. The text also applies to the laces of any Off-White™ Nike shoe and can play a big part in determining authenticity. Below, we will discuss just what we mean.
On the fake Nike Dunks, you will see that the laces are quite out of shape, with the “SHOELACES” text being very heavy. The laces are out of shape due to the fact that the ink is too heavy. It is also quite crusty when you rub your finger across it, something that you can only feel once you have the shoe in hand.
If you look at the real Off-White™ laces, there is a nice even gap between the top and the bottom of the text. The ink is also not too heavy and the laces have stayed in shape. These small details show exactly the kind of quality difference between a real vs fake Off-White™ x Nike Dunk Low really are.

The UV Test
As with all of our Real vs Fake guides, we’re going to take you to the UV Studio. If you don’t have a UV light, we really couldn’t recommend getting one highly enough. UV light helps to pick up and detect details that the human eye cannot detect. If you want to know how to tell a fake Off-White™ Dunk or fake sneakers in general, then get a UV light!
Now, this sneaker conformed to all of our other UV tests so we’re going to be focusing on the sole of the Nike Dunk pictured below. You can see that on the real Dunk, the sole glows a warm red colour when placed under UV light. This glows a soft colour and is a key detail when comparing the two. If you look at the fake Off-White™, you can see that the sole does not glow at all. In fact, it stays a dull maroon colour.

If you want to know how to spot a fake Off-White™ Nike Dunk, just remember to check the following areas:
- The Price – if it sounds too good to be true then it usually is!
- The Paper – check the colour and also make sure that it is thicker than usual paper
- The Tag – take a look at the “™” symbol, ensuring that there are small dots and not thick ones
- The Text – ensure that the corner of the “E” on “NIKE” is more on the grey than the red leather
- The Laces – make sure that the lace doesn’t look distorted and the text ink is printed cleanly
- The UV – check that the sole glows a nice warm red
Final Thoughts
So there you go guys, that concludes this week’s episode of Real vs Fake! We hope that you enjoyed this piece and now know how to tell fake Off-White™ Nike Dunks. As always, head back to the KLEKT Blog where we’ll update you on more fakes. If you are looking to cop a pair of Off-White™ Dunks or just some new sneakers in general, then head over to the KLEKT store. We’ve got everything you need to kit out your wardrobe.